Your Generosity Empowers
We receive financial support on behalf of our Partners.
Financial Support covers expenses such as:
- Living allowances, housing, and taxes
- Medical, pension and professional fees
- Language study for Partners and schooling for their children
- Ministry expenses, administration and pastoral care
If a Partner is going to the field for the first time, you also have the option of contributing to outfitting expenses. This provides for such start-up costs as:
- Inoculations, travel papers and initial airfare overseas
- A computer or special equipment needed for ministry in their particular field of service
- One month’s living allowance to assist them in out-going preparations
Our Partners are also often involved in different ministry projects, which you may give to specifically (tax-deductible).
By giving to the Core Ministry Fund you invest in all our Cross-cultural workers, and enable us all to:
Champion the needs of the Unseen 1/4
Interserve seeks to serve among those who are unseen by the Church and who consequently have no one to show them what it means to follow Jesus.
Disciple hearts and mobilize for overseas service
Whether through conference presentations or one-on-one mentoring, Interserve invites churches and individuals to intercede with us for the peoples of Asia and the Arab World. As God gives individuals a vision for gospel-hearted service, we seek to come alongside them as they explore how to move forward with their vision. The Core Ministry Fund helps cover the costs of the mobilization team as they travel and disciple the next generation of Partners.
Guarantee uninterrupted support for our Partners
Interserve makes our cross-cultural workers a promise: “Reach the field and we will ensure you can finish your term even if your support lags or inflation escalates your costs.” The Core Ministry Fund helps undergird our guarantee, freeing overseas workers from financial concerns so they can concentrate on serving.
Underwrite pastoral care for Workers
Interservers and their kids serve in some of the toughest places in the Arab and Asian worlds. The Core Ministry Fund enables us to get someone to them when they have critical needs and desire pastoral support.
Provide the administrative backbone for our Teams
Interserve carries the burden of insurance forms, donor receipts, tax documentation, prayer letters, and countless other administrative details efficiently and professionally so our team members can serve unimpeded.
Respond quickly to urgent needs
Your gift to the Core Ministry Fund ensures that we can move nimbly to respond to unexpected challenges.
An On-Tracker is one who has decided to do a short term of service (one month to one year). Support for On-Trackers provides for food, housing and other living expenses, plus inoculations, travel papers and airfare to the country of service.
Projects consist of a variety of opportunities to meet specific needs of the people our Partners serve. All projects are overseen by our partners, approved by our finance team, and supported by designated gifts.
Your Trust Counts
Privacy Policy Regarding Donors
We do not sell, share or trade any donor’s name or personal information with any other entity. We also do not send mailings to our donors on behalf of any other organization. This policy applies to all information received by Interserve USA, both online and offline, on any platform (“platform”, includes the Interserve USA website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.