"Life right now": Notes from an Unseen Short Termer

Two realities in my life have ruined me – impoverished children and the Gospel. I use the word “ruined” because these two have been serious game-changers in my life.

God has called Christians to build his kingdom here and to minister to the poor. I want to be a part of that. And, I feel that there’s no higher calling than to serve Christ and His people.Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 9.13.39 PM

I think what my colleague does is absolutely incredible. She is so faithful to her job. She goes to the slums every morning. She not only picks up the children, she makes it a point to check-in on the families, reminding them of the habits of good hygiene and sharing the Gospel. As I watch her I am learning that being patient and intentional are necessary to impact someone’s life.

To be honest, my heart was heavy after the visit today. Although this isn’t my first time seeing suffering like this, it never gets easy for me. Nonetheless, these experiences make my heart heavy and drive me. As I sit here and reflect, my mind is drawn to this poem:

Lord, engage my heart today
with a passion that will not pass away.
Now torch it with Thy holy fire
that nevermore shall earth’s desire
invade or quench the heaven born power.
I would be trapped within Thy holy will,
thine every holy purpose to fulfill,
that every effort of my life
shall bring rapturous praise to my eternal King.
I pledge from this day to the grave
to be Thine own, unquestioning slave.

-Leonard Ravenhill